Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 1-Arrival

We finally landed on our 7th continent.  The flight was pretty uneventful.  I’m quite sure, by my calculations, that I had a significantly extended birthday (though I, fortunately, slept through a good portion of it). 

Flying in to Sydney, we were afforded a great view of Sydney Harbor with the iconic bridge and Opera House. 

We arrived to a beautiful, sunny, warm day in Sydney (after a stopover in Brisbane).  Unfortunately,we then had a 4-hour layover in Sydney before our final flight of the day (or two) to Adelaide.


Tonight we’ll be able to sleep in a real bed in Adelaide.

But wait, the journey just got more interesting.  After a nice cab ride with an Indian cab driver, soon to be a pharmacist (if he passes his exams), we were greeted at our hotel with the news that our reservation was cancelled in February!  There was some snafu with the booking- not a great way to start the trip.  The manager was extremely accommodating and apologetic and after several calls and some finagling, he was able to get us in a room here.  I think he said something about bumping some later arrival.  Since that has happened to us in the past, we felt pretty bad, but exhaustion won out, and we took the room.

Heading out for Indian food (inspired by our cabbie), then hopefully a good night's sleep.

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